Your Gardening Guide for July
Your Gardening Guide for July
Welcome to July!
Gardening in winter may seem challenging due to the cold weather and dormant plants, but it's an important time to prepare for the upcoming growing season. Follow these winter gardening tasks to ensure your garden is well-prepared for the growth of spring.
July Top Tips
#1 Fertilise
Treat dormant fruit trees with an organic oil spray prior to bud burst.
#2 Pick Flowers
Cornflowers and sweet peas look great now. Pick to display in a vase.
#3 Potatoes
Plant potatoes, sweet potatoes and shallots in bags or raised garden beds. Include a climbing frame for sweet potatoes.
#4 Attend Herbs
Take herb cutting now to expand your herb garden and improve your herb production.
Diggers top pest tips

Rust fungus
Frangipani are losing their leaves, which often carry the rust fungus. Collect fallen leaves and bag and bin to prevent reinfection.

Citrus leaf miner
Give citrus trees their last feed before spring, then spray white white oil to control leaf miner.
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Generally reduce the frequency of fertilising which greatly helps reduce the risk of aphid attack, which target leafy new growth.
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Diggers top garden ideas

Take cuttings of succulents.

Tool care
In these cooler months, time to give your tools some love- sharpen, clean, oil and maintain your garden tools. Practicing tool hygiene will prevent the spread of disease.
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