Your Gardening Guide for April
Your Gardening Guide for April
Welcome to April!
April top tips
#1 Composting
Turn compost heaps then sprinkle them with poultry manure to accelerate even composting.
#2 Perhizomatous plants
Lift, divide and replant rhizomatous plants including horseradish, ginger and turmeric.
#3 Weeding
Weed and mulch your garden beds to keep weed levels under control.
#4 Bulbs
Keep cool climate bulbs in the crisper for winter planting.
Diggers top pest tips

Generally reduce the frequency of feeding, which greatly helps reduce the risk of aphid attack.
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Citrus leafminer
Give citrus trees their last feed before spring, then spray white white oil to control leaf miner. If you find them active in your garden, pull off affected leaves, then bag and bin them.
Diggers recommends
Diggers top garden ideas

Harvest the last of the wet season crops now.

Prepare beds
Prepare beds for further planting by applying well-rotted manure and compost and dolomite to sweeten the soil. Fork it in and allow maturing for about 2 weeks before planting.

Tropical fruit trees
Plant container grown tropical fruit trees.
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