Your Gardening Guide for November
Your Gardening Guide for November
Welcome to November!
Traditionally the busiest month of the year in the garden, the spring garden is in its prime. There’s still lots of work to be done to prepare your garden now for a long hot summer ahead.
November Jobs
#1 Mulch
Mulch vegetable garden with straw based mulch: suppress weeds, trap moisture and draw worms to the surface. Read our article to understand different types of mulch.
Read article#2 Tomatoes
Plant tomatoes and stake them at time of planting.
Read our article on growing tomatoes
#3 Garlic
Harvest garlic and dry it out in the sun for a couple of days, plait together and store.
Read articleNovember Essentials
It's time to get planting your last remaining crops in preparation for your summer harvest. We look at the benefits of living mulch and we get our hands dirty with some strawberries!
Watch nowDiggers top pest tips
Earwigs are prevalent at this time of year. Screwed up newspaper will attract them or using a takeaway container with lid on with a layer of tuna oil is a great earwig trap, empty out in the morning.
Read our article to learn more about controlling earwigs.
Read articleCodling moth
Monitor for aphids, thrips, azalea lace bug and to prevent codling moth (attacks apples & pears), hang a codling moth trap.
Read our article to learn how to control and treat codling months.
Read articleDiggers recommends
Diggers top garden idea
Plant some beneficial attracting plants to keep aphids, whitefly and other pests under control like alyssum, marigold, phacelia, daisies and flowers of parsley, dill and parsnip.
Shop companion plantingDiggers recommends
Plants to plant now
- asparagus
- rhubarb
- avocados
- corn
- chilli
- rockemelon
- jerusalem artichoke tubers
- seed potatoes
- bananas
- eggplant
- tomato
- pumpkin
- watermelon
Get ready for December
Start planning