Ranunculus 'White' (20 bulbs)

Ranunculus x asiaticus 'White'

Heavily petalled globe-like blooms of pure white will make your garden a wonderland of delight. Their dark centre is encased by silky white petals rising from slender green stems and foliage. Perfect for a bouquet of pure joy. A spring wedding favourite.

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Ranunculus 'White' (20 bulbs)

A spring wedding favourite, these highly-petalled flowers in an almost cup-shaped arrangement, are adored by florists, brides and gardeners alike. Pure white to make the perfect bouquet or background for the spring garden wedding. An outstanding addition to the garden that's easy to grow and highly rewarding.
How to grow

Plant in full sun in a soil enriched with decomposed compost and aged manure. Plant 4cm deep with the pointy end (claw) facing downward. Water well at planting and throughout the growing season.

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