Orange 'Hamlin'

Citrus sinensis 'Hamlin'

This exceptionally sweet orange was raised in Florida during the 1870s and, being early to ripen, it remains one of the most popular. Small fruit is produced in abundance and loaded with sweet juice. The most cold-tolerant orange we grow.

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Orange 'Hamlin'

Fruit of the 'Hamlin' orange is incredibly sweet with few seeds but this is not always the most attractive citrus in the bowl. The fruit can appear blemished and marked, but as the old saying goes - don't judge the citrus by its skin as the flesh is sweet, juicy and delicious!
How to grow

Citrus trees need plenty of sun and good drainage. Their shallow roots grow close to the surface, so it’s best to mulch beneath the tree to avoid competition from other plants or weeds. Heavy feeders, fertiliser should be applied monthly to ensure they have nutrients available at all times. Apply blood and bone, dynamic lifter or a citrus fertiliser once a month, every month. Citrus will grow in all Australian climates.

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