Kiwiberry 'Issai'

Actinidia arguta 'Issai'

These bite-sized, zesty gems are produced in profusion on a self-pollinating, hairless, grape-sized kiwi vine. The delicate fruit is not available at the shops, so grow your own to enjoy this seasonal treat.

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Kiwiberry 'Issai'

We love this little garden treasure at Diggers because it's the perfect home garden fruit. Its bite-sized, zesty gems taste delicious and are far too delicate to go through the rigours of commercial production and transport, so it will never appear at the greengrocers. A self-pollinating little kiwifruit with hairless grape-size fruit that both kids and adults adore. Perfect for a small backyard where there's no room to plant two plants for pollination. In southern climates, provide afternoon shade and protect from summer northerly winds. First fruit is produced in 2-3 years, with full cropping in 4-5 years.
How to grow

A long-lived vine best suited to temperate climates, in southern areas provide afternoon shade and protect from summer northerly winds, especially while young. Plant against a strong support and prune each year. Start by training to a central leader, similarly to grapes, and train to a support. Fruiting laterals will be produced from non-fruiting laterals, so 8-10 buds should be kept each year. Expect fruit in 2-3 years and full cropping in 4-5 years.

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