Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins White'

Dianthus caryophyllus

This well known and much loved old fashioned dianthus has heat-loving blue-grey foliage and a profusion of perfumed pure white double flowers. Reliable and hardy, the frilled petals create a shaggy appearance that's perfect for cottage gardens and borders, complemented by the heavenly clove-scent to add long lasting beauty and fragrance to the garden or vase.

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Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins White'

Romantic ruffled double white flowers on gently arching stems smother this old world favourite dianthus throughout spring and early summer. Dianthus are traditionally known as Pinks and make ideal ground covers or front of border features. This charming heirloom variety was first raised in the UK at the Slough Workhouse for the poor and disabled around 1800 by the Master of the workhouse and named after his wife, the matron.
How to grow

Dianthus are easy to grow perennials. Plant in full sun in a fertile, free-draining soil. Improve soil prior to planting with organic matter. Dianthus flower best in alkaline soils. Deadhead regularly to extend flowering. Drought tolerant once established. Avoid water-logged soils, especially in winter.

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