Daffodil 'Woodland Star'

Narcissus poeticus 'Woodland Star'

Large petals expand the impact of this small cupped but exquisitely formed daffodil. What a true delight when left to naturalise under trees. This is the daffodil species most associated with the Greek legend of Narcissus, and there is no doubt that it's beauty will keep you mesmerised throughout early to mid-spring.

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Daffodil 'Woodland Star'

A daffodil that will be good for naturalising under trees giving you a long-lasting display year after year and also beautiful planted in pots. Come late winter, your garden will be a mass of stunning flowers, the perfect herald to the spring.
How to grow

Narcissus are easy to grow bulbs that reliably flower in gardens year after year. Plant in full sun in a soil enriched with aged compost or decomposed manure. Dig a hole around 20cm deep and backfill to a height twice the depth of the bulbs height. Place several bulbs in a single hole to improve your display leaving at least a bulbs width between each bulb. 10 bulbs per hole will make a stunning feature and also make it easier to avoid accidental injury to the bulb by rogue digging. Backfill, water and mulch.

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