Clary Sage 'Vatican White'

Salvia sclarea 'Vatican White'

A hardy biennial, ‘Vatican White’ provides a statuesque ornamental and culinary feature in the garden. The imposing branched flower spikes of elegant white blossoms with brilliant whorled bracts are a sight to behold as they rise up from large grey-green aromatic leaves from late spring. Easy to grow and much loved by birds and butterflies.

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Clary Sage 'Vatican White'

Clary sage was once used as a substitute for hops and was described in old journals as "fit to please drunkards, who became either dead drunke, foolish drunke or madde drunke". Undeniably attractive, 'Vatican White' has intoxicating large grey foliage (up to 23cm in length) nobly crowned with generous, fat spikes of muted, white flowers that age to leave striking, rusty-pink bracts. Suitable for cottage gardens and perennial borders, as well as a flavouring in cooking, this distinguished variety of sage has been used throughout history in wines and liqueurs, perfumes, potpourri and incense, to relieve stomach ailments and purportedly to slow down the process of aging! Flowering in its second season to complete its life cycle, Clary Sage 'Vatican White' will readily self-seed to ensure this much-loved biennial will live on in the garden for seasons to come.

How to grow

Full sun, well-drained soil. Suitable for coastal and hot dry gardens, this salvia thrives on neglect performing well in poor soils and dry sites, although also grows well in improved soils. Dies after flowering but will self-seed if allowed. Dislikes humidity as well as waterlogged and wet soils.

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