Amaranth Red Garnet (Organic)

Amaranthus tricolour

An edible ornamental, Amaranth 'Red Garnet' features stunning burgundy foliage, fluffy crimson flowers which are followed by seeds which can be consumed as a grain, ground to make flour or used for shoots and microgreens. Also suitable for attracting beneficial insects and birds into your garden.

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Amaranth Red Garnet (Organic)

A stunning variety of amaranth grown for its deep red tender leaves with a mild, spinach-like flavour that's perfect for salads or sautéing, as well as for its unusual flowers which are followed by edible seeds often used as a pseudo-grain. Popular in warmer climates where leaf colour is at it's best, this variety is also tolerant of short periods of drought as well as some frost.
How to grow

Easy to grow from seed, sow amaranth seeds directly after the last frost. Select a position in full sun and sow in an enriched, well-drained soil, spacing seeds around 30-45 centimeters apart. Cover the seeds lightly with soil or compost and water gently. Keep the soil consistently moist until germination, which usually occurs within 7-14 days.

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