Seed Potato 'Pentland Dell'

Solanum tuberosum

Bred in Scotland at Pentlandfield station, this potato is highly regarded for its fluffy texture and disease resistance.

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Seed Potato 'Pentland Dell'

Bred in Scotland at Pentlandfield station, this potato is highly regarded for its fluffy texture and disease resistance. An early to mid-season crop, producing large oval shaped tubers that are white skinned with creamy white flesh, it has good natural resistance to most pests and diseases. Determinate, harvest 70-100 days. Packed under licence for VICSPA
How to grow

All potatoes can be grown in the soil, in towers and even grow bags. INDETERMINATE POTATOES: In the case of indeterminate potatoes, they produce their crop along their growing stem, just like tomatoes; the only difference is that tomatoes grow above the soil, fruiting along the exposed stem upward; while potatoes crop below the soil, so the stem must be continually covered up in order to produce viable tubers. These are often your most prolific, late harvest varieties needing around 90-120 days to reach maturity. DETERMINATE POTATOES: Determinate potatoes, like determinate tomatoes, grow to a set height and produce a reliable crop of tubers without the need for covering their developing stem. Simply plant around 10cm deep and they will produce a single layer of potatoes below the soil surface. These are usually early, cropping potatoes, maturing in just 50-70 days. For more information on growing potatoes, visit: Members see our video tutorial here.

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