Lilium Nashville (3 Bulbs)

Lilium hybrid 'nashville'

A beautiful addition to your cut-flower garden, 'Nashville' is an outstanding LA hybrid lilium which shines in the garden like a golden guitar. The bright yellow clustered upward-facing flowers make a bold statement in floral arrangements or garden displays. With an average of 4-8 blooms per stem, this unique, dense cluster of flowers adds depth and intensity to floral arrangements and makes a big statement in the garden.

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Lilium Nashville (3 Bulbs)

LA Hybrid lilies (Lilium longiflorum asiaticum) are known for their sturdy stems that can grow to significant heights, while providing excellent support for the blooms, allowing them to stand upright - a characteristic that makes them visually striking and enhances their overall appearance in the garden or vase.
How to grow

Liliums are fairly hardy and perform best in full sun to part shade positions. Liliums may require protection from sun and hot winds during the summer period. Taller varieties benefit from flower staking or flower supports. Plant immediately after delivery and do not allow the bulbs to dry out before planting. Plant bulbs to a depth of 10-15cm. Liliums need regular watering but avoid waterlogged soils. Free draining position and prepare the soil before planting with organic matter. Mulch well. Liliums perform in both pots and garden beds. Bulbs establish and form larger clumps. Divide clumps of Lilium bulbs in the coming years. Good air movement reduces the risk of disease. Warning: Lilium flowers and plants can be toxic to pets if consumed.

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