Argentine Ombu

Phytolacca dioica

The Argentine Ombu is a botanical curiosity that is very rarely seen in nurseries. It's a fast-growing tree that grows 2 metres high in 2-3 years and has a massive swollen trunk that gives rise to snake-like buttressed roots. Fast growth rate.

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Argentine Ombu

A botanical curiosity from South America that is very rarely seen in nurseries. Also known as The Argentine Umbrella Tree, this magnificent shade tree is quick to grow and a real feature in any garden. It features an outer skin and shape like an elephant's stomach in recline from which multiple thrusting stems grow metres each year. Produces beautiful strings of white lace-like flowers. Drought tolerant.
How to grow

A superb evergreen shade tree that thrives on neglect, it can withstand the longest of droughts by drawing on its water-filled trunk. Caution should be taken when growing this tree as the berries and sap contain toxins.

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