Tasmanian Pepperberry FEMALE

Tasmannia lanceolata

Grow your own native pepper. Naturally found in the temperate rainforests of Tasmania, the berries are spicy and flavourful and can be used fresh or dried. The female plant produces berries but she still needs a male plant to pollinate the flowers. Without a male the berries will be small or none at all and sterile (unable to reproduce) If you want an abundance of black berries, make sure you have both a male and a female plant.

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Tasmanian Pepperberry FEMALE

Naturally found in the temperate rainforests of Tasmania, the berries are spicy and flavourful and can be used fresh or dried. Not just grown for the berries, the leaves are edible too, and have been used by First Nations people for thousands of years. Suitable for hedging.
How to grow

Plant in cool position in the garden, preferably protected from hot summer winds and afternoon sun. Enrich soil with well aged compost and manure prior to planting and make sure the soil is free-draining as they dislike waterlogged soils. Drought sensitive, water regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. Mulch to reduce weed growth and do not underplant. Fertilise with an application of compost each spring.

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