Pea 'Golden Podded' (Organic)

Pisum sativum

A rarity found in a market in India, it is one of the few yellow-podded peas that can be eaten raw. Pick young pods and use in stir-fries. The beautiful bicolour pink and purple flowers make it a stand-out in the vegie patch. Yields 230g per plant. Not for TAS.

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Pea 'Golden Podded' (Organic)

A rare heirloom found in a market in India, it is one of the few yellow podded peas that can be eaten raw. The beautiful bi-colour pink and purple flowers make it a stand out in the vegie patch. Pick the young pods when succulent and tender- excellent in stir fries. Yields 230g per plant.
How to grow

Peas are tolerant of various soil types, although slightly alkaline, deep loams that have just grown a crop of tomatoes or potatoes are perfect. Their large seeds are easy to handle and germinate quickly, making them ideal for children to grow. Peas prefer the cooler months, as temperatures over 25 degrees reduce flowering.

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