New Zealand Lancewood

Pseudopanax ferox

Long slender dark purple-grey leaves with saw-toothed edging arrange themselves symmetrically around the trunk hanging stiffly downwards in the juvenile form. After about 10 years, the top branches out to form a lush canopy with rounded leaves. One of the true wonders of the plant world.

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New Zealand Lancewood

The NZ Lancewood holds a special place in Maori culture, where it has traditionally been used for carving, fishing spears and weapons. Grown primarily for its unique architectural form in the juvenile stage, Pseudopanax ferox makes a wonderful living sculpture in the garden with its angular form and minimalist foliage. The angular downward pointing leaves have a metallic-like sheen and are an eye-catching curio amongst contrasting greenery. Also known as Feirce Lancewood or Horoeka in its native NZ.
How to grow

Full sun to part shade in well drained soil. Protect stiff downward pointing leaves from strong winds or damage. Plant develops a rounded crown as it ages, dramatically changing from its juvenile form after about 10 years.

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