Espalier Apple Orchard Collection

Malus domestica

The perfect starter for your very own espalier apple orchard. This dwarf collection of spur-bearing, heritage varieties includes 'Cox's Orange Pippen', 'Early McIntosh' and universal pollinator ‘Jonathan’.

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Espalier Apple Orchard Collection

A delicious selection of spur-bearing, dwarf apple varieties to espalier at home, while the trees may be smaller and suited to home gardens, the fruit is still full size and packed with flavour. Easier to net, espalier fruit trees are aesthetic, practical and perfect for most sunny backyards (or front yards). All you need is 2m per tree along a sunny fence line and a love of structure and fresh fruit, to plan and plant your own espalier apple orchard.
How to grow

Spur-bearing cultivars are best for espalier training. These varieties hold their fruit on short side-shoots known as spurs, making them ideal for training as you can safely prune the ends. For more information on growing and planting espaliers, visit

Please note: The exact plants in this collection are subject to availability, if varieties become unavailable we reserve the right to replace them with suitable, similar high-quality plants.

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