Californian Redwood

Sequoia sempervirens

Walking between the vast cathedral like pillars of the world's most gigantic trees used to require a special trip to California. Not so today as we have 2 amazing (almost) mature forests planted in the 1930s in Victoria at Warburton and Beech Forest. These evergreen giant redwoods, with deep-green soft, aromatic foliage, provide a truly humbling and awe-inspiring experience for those walking beneath them. Despite their towering presence, with a canopy narrower than an oak, they can be grown in restricted spaces.

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Californian Redwood

Californian Redwood Mini-Forest
How to grow

Plant in full sun or part shade in moist, well-watered fertile soil. Very fast growth rate, up to 2m per year. Plant in multiples for a dense, awe-inspiring forest experience.

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