Agastache 'Lemon Fiesta'

Agastache mexicana 'Lemon Fiesta'

Celebrate sunshine with spires of sparkling yellow flowers, renewed in continual succession throughout summer and autumn. Each tubular flower is set against a dark burgundy calyx, contrasting beautifully. A native of California and Mexico, this tough variety is adored by bees and butterflies. Combines well with grasses and pastel flowers, such as catmint, meadow sage and verbena, for a sun-loving display.

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Agastache 'Lemon Fiesta'

Like most agastaches, the free-flowing blooms of 'Lemon Fiesta' provide a continuous display throughout the warmer months with little to no effort required. The soft yellow flower spikes and contrasting burgundy calyx make this variety unique and an eye-catching feature in the garden, from the front to middle of a border. Great for cutting and floral arrangements, the never ending flower spikes ensure a continual array of pollinators in the garden. Varieties of Agastache mexicana are commonly used in folk medicine, essentially due to its calming properties and for alleviating arthritic, muscular and abdominal pain. Try the highly aromatic young leaves as a flavouring in salads and cooked foods.
How to grow

Agastaches are hardy summer flowering perennials. Plant in full sun in a well drained soil. Drought tolerant once established, though will benefit from supplementary watering during extended dry periods. Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering and prune back to a low mound in winter or early spring. Frost and coast hardy.

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