Absinthe Wormwood

Artemisia absinthium

Why not grow the 'Green Fairy' in your own garden? This is the true wormwood used as flavouring in the production of Absinthe, an alcoholic liquor favoured by French bohemians in the 1860s and featured in Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge. Whilst you probably won't be distilling your own liquor in the backyard, nowadays this wormwood has become popular for other reasons including its drought-tolerance and shimmering silver foliage.

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Absinthe Wormwood

Absinthe wormwood has been widely used for medicinal purposes, such as the treatment of digestive ailments and prevention of intestinal worms, but also in topical treatments including natural insecticides and pest repellants. Use an infusion of the leaves to treat aphids, moths and as a slug deterrent, and plant one in the chook run to keep fleas at bay. In the garden absinthe wormwood also makes an ideal contrasting silver foil for colourful perennials or plant as a shimmering hedge which is spectacular under moonlight.
How to grow

Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Suitable for rocky slopes and arid ground, this fuss-free plant also performs well in nutritious soil. Copes with cold winters as well as hot, dry conditions. Self seeds if permitted, trim regularly to promote bushy growth habit and divide every 2-3 years to maintain vigour. Drought tolerant, though summer watering will be welcome in periods of extended dryness.

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