Grapefruit 'Star Ruby'

Citrus paradisi

The first red-fleshed grapefruit to hit the market in the U.S. back in the 60s and introduced to Australia in the 90s. It has the deepest ruby of all ruby-fleshed grapefruit and extends its fruiting into November in southern Australia. A must for fruit salads and the freshest of breakfasts.

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How to grow

Citrus grow best in open positions where they receive full sun, good drainage and shelter from strong winds. They prefer a frost free environment although will tolerate light frost once established. Citrus are well suited to pot culture and are no less productive when kept at 2m tall and 2m wide which also makes maintenance and care more manageable. Always use good quality potting mix in a pot. Citrus have a shallow fibrous root system and underplanting and cultivation below the tree should be avoided. Fertilise monthly with a complete, slow release, pelleted fertiliser all year round. Mulch to conserve moisture. Supplementary water is required during the warmer months. Prepare soil prior to planting by digging a hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball and enriching with compost and pelleted complete fertiliser. Apply seaweed solution after planting. Avoid planting into cold, wet soil. Ruby grapefruit may not colour up as well in cooler coastal areas. Grafted on Citrange rootstock which performs well in clay loams and shows tolerance for nematodes. Fruit size and quality from trees on this stock is very good.

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