Parsley Parsnip

Petroselinum crispum 'Arat'

A two-in-one vegie. The tops can be picked and used just like continental parsley and the roots as you would parsnip. A real treat, but don't harvest too many leaves or the roots will be thin.

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Parsley Parsnip

Also known as root or Dutch parsley, all parsley is a member of the carrot family, but few produce this lovely long white root. With a flavour reminiscent of celery and the texture of a parsnip, it is a versatile two-for-one crop.
How to grow

Sow seed direct in full sun in a soil enriched with organic matter. A heavy-feeder, improve soil with aged manure and decomposed compost prior to sowing. Soak seed to improve germination and avoid transplanting as this can cause root damage. Protect from snails and slugs while young.

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