Cutting Gel - Rootex-G 50ml

A hormone rooting gel to help your plant cuttings to strike faster. Helping to accelerate and promote root growth on all plant cuttings, use the gel the professional propagators use. 50ml.

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Cutting Gel - Rootex-G 50ml

Easy to use and highly effective, this propagating gel helps plant cuttings to strike faster. To use, simply dilute 5ml of gel into 5ml of cold water. Keep in a tall vial or narrow jar to maintain adequate depth. Use this liquid to dip the cut stem of your plant cuttings in before inserting into the cutting mix. It is best to remove the lower leaves from your cutting before dipping into the gel to minimise waste. Make a hole in the cutting mix with a dibbler (or pencil) before inserting cuttings into your cutting mix to avoid removing the gel when you place your cuttings in your punnets or trays. Pinch the mix around each cutting to hold them firmly in place, and water. Regular watering is required while plants are striking. Suitable for soft to medium hardwood cuttings up to 1cm in diameter. 50ml.

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